Women Wellness

Different Types of Vaginas

A Guide on Different Types of Vaginas: Know Your Vagina Better

Written and Reviewed by Dr. Uzma Qureshi
Published on: 09/10/2024

Different Types of Vaginas

Are there different types of vaginas? Yes, there are! Though not the different types, the appearance of inner and outer lips makes every vagina unique 

If you are curious about different types of vaginas and want to get familiar with your kind, you are at the right place. In this blog, we cover various types of vaginas, colour, and how to change the shape. 

How the Different Types of Vaginas are Categorised?

The different types of vaginas are often classified based on the appearance of major and minor labia—the inner and outer lips surrounding your vaginal opening. Here’s how the different shapes of the vagina are classified. 

1. Size & Position of Labia Minora

The size and shape of inner lips vary. Some women have protruding inner lips, while others have them tucked in. However, both are normal and most common variations. 

2. Volume of Labia Majora

The outer lips are called labia majora; they are plump and give your vagina a soft and round appearance. Some women have thinner outer lips, while others are full of volume. 

3. Labial Difference

For some women, both sides of the labia (either majora or minora) are similar in size and shape. Others may have one side’s lips either longer or shaped differently. This asymmetry is common. 

Now that you know how we categorise different types of vaginas, let’s explore more about labia types. 

What are Different Labia Types?

When people talk about different types of vagina, they are discussing different types of vulva. While you explore different types of vaginal lips, it’s important to know that there is no “normal” or “perfect” shape. 

Nonetheless, here are different labia types:

1. Prominent Labia Majora (Outer Lips)

When the outer lips are more prominent, they sit lower on the vulva and may be thick, puffy, thin, or loose. These tips can take on a variety of forms, from firm to soft.

2. Prominent Labia Minora (Inner Lips)

It’s common for the inner lips to be longer than the outer lips and stick out. Sometimes, the difference in length is subtle, while in other cases, the inner lips may extend further beyond the outer ones.

3. Long or Hanging Inner Lips

If your inner lips hang an inch or more past the outer lips, you have long, dangling inner lips. This type may have extra folds and, in some cases, might even be visible outside of underwear.

4. Long or Hanging Outer Lips

The skin is usually larger, thinner, and looser for long, dangling outer lips. Like their inner counterparts, these lips may extend outside underwear, providing additional exposure for the inner lips.

5. Visible Inner Vulva

With visible inner lips, the inner and outer lips are usually the same size. The inner lips may not hang out, but they’re visible because the outer folds naturally sit or pull apart, showing them from top to bottom.

6. Curved Outer Lips

Imagine your outer lips in the shape of an upside-down horseshoe. The curved outer lips create a round shape that meets evenly at the bottom, often exposing the inner lips.

7. Asymmetrical Inner Lips

If one inner lip is longer, thicker, or larger than the other, you have asymmetrical labia minora. This is quite common, and many women have labia that aren’t perfectly even. Sometimes asymmetry occurs due to vaginal atrophy. Learn what is vaginal atrophy, its symptoms, and more.

8. Small, Open Outer Labia

If your outer lips are small and rest against your pubic bone but are separated enough to show the inner lips, they’re considered open.

9. Small, Closed Outer Lips

Here, the outer lips are close together, completely concealing the inner lips. While this type is often seen in adult entertainment, it’s actually one of the least common.

All these types of vulva are normal—never think your labia is the wrong type. Understand your types and embrace the unique anatomy that Mother Nature has gifted you. 

Bonus tip: If you are experiencing discomfort during sex then you must read our guide on causes, symptoms and how to treat dyspareunia (Pain during intercourse) 

Are There Different Types of Vaginas Based on Skin Colour?

Based on skin colour, no different types of vaginas are categorised. However, every woman has her own vagina colour. Some women have reddish or purple labia, while others may have pink or dark brown.
There is no such colour of the vagina that is considered abnormal. It’s common to have darker labia than surrounding skin because your genital areas are packed with melanocytes–the pigment-producing cells. 

It’s your sign to embrace the colour of your vagina and feel confident. 

What is the Average Size When We Talk About Different Vaginas?

A study examined 600 white women and measured the average size of inner and outer labia. Here’s what they found.

  • Right Labia Majora: About 3.1 inches in length
  • Left Labia Majora: Just over 3.1 inches in length
  • Right Labia Minora: About 1.6 inches long & 0.5  inches in width.
  • Left Labia Minora: about 1.7 inches in length & just over 0.5 inches in terms of width.

These are average sizes; if your vagina differs from the mentioned numbers, do not worry because all size variations are normal until they pose any health effects like pain during sex or itching. 

There Are Different Types of Vaginas, Embrace Yours.

Different types of vaginas do exist, but the key is to remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” type.  You have unique anatomy, so the size, shape, colour and overall appearance of your vagina differs from other women. Whether you have prominent inner lips, asymmetrical labia, or a different combination of features, all types of vulvas are normal and beautiful.

However, suppose you are experiencing extreme asymmetry or loss of volume in labia due to vaginal atrophy and want to address these concerns. In that case, you may look for Empower RF Treatment. Empower RF treatment aims to improve intimate health and minimises associated symptoms like itching, urinary tract infections or pain during sex.

Embrace your intimate beauty and feel confident in yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions About Different Types of Vaginas

1. What is the normal type of vagina?

There is no such thing as a “normal” shape of the vagina. The vaginas vary in shape, size, colour, and appearance. Protruding inner lips and wide or thin outer lips are all normal until they produce symptoms like UTIs, pain during sex, and itching.

2. How wide is a normal vagina?

The average width of a normal vagina varies from woman to woman. However, a study on Caucasian women suggested that a normal vagina may be as wide as 1.9 to 25 inches.

3. How to change your vaginal shape?

To change the shape of your labia or address vaginal lips asymmetry, you may consult your healthcare provider for labiaplasty. Non-surgical labiaplasty–Desirial treatment in Bradford may address these concerns.

4. Does the size of the vagina affect sex?

Generally, the size of vagina does not affect sexual experiences. However, loss of volume in the labia due to vaginal atrophy may cause pain during and chronic itching.

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