
What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause?

What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause?

Written by Uzma Qureshi
Published on: 20/04/2024

Menopause means the end of your reproductive cycle. This transition brings a storm of unpleasant symptoms and physical changes to your life. But there comes a time when this storm settles down. But how would you know the transition phase is over? What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause that you may notice?

This blog will walk you through the stages of menopause and how you can determine the signs of coming to the end of your reproductive years. 

Every woman experiences menopause differently, so the end signs may be also different. Do not compare your journey with someone else; always discuss with your doctor any of the changes you feel during and after this journey ends. 

Stages of menopause

The end of your reproductive era does not occur suddenly. This transition takes place in three different stages, all with their significance and symptoms. 

Here are the three stages of menopause:

Stage 1: Perimenopause

This is where your transition starts. Perimenopause is the first stage during which your ovaries start slowing down their function. You may enter your perimenopause stage in your 40s. But some women may enter even before they turn 40. 

Perimenopause is more like a preparatory stage, where your reproductive function and hormones like oestrogen and progesterone start declining slowly over the years. You may feel changes in your menstrual cycles during this stage. 

Stage 2: Menopause

After your ovaries reduce their functions, there comes a stage where your ability to have babies ends; this is called menopause. You may reach this phase when you reach your 50s, or it may be a little earlier. It is considered complete when you have had no periods for 12 months or more. 

During this stage, your oestrogen levels are at their lowest, and you may feel a lot of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, and vaginal irritation.  This hormonal fluctuation makes you wonder if it is ever going to end or what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause.

Stage 3: Post-menopause

This is the end stage of your menopause transition and occurs mostly in your late 50s. All the hormonal fluctuations are gone when you enter the post-menopause phase. 

Your hormones mostly stabilise at their lower levels and the storm of bothersome menopause symptoms has passed. However, some women may still experience some symptoms, like vaginal itching, urinary incontinence, and infections. You should be taking even more care of your health during this stage. 

Keep in mind that every woman experiences all three stages differently. If you have any health concerns related to any of these phases, it is better to discuss them with your doctor. Moreover, your doctor can also guide you about what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause. 

Learn what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause

Perimenopause and menopause bring a lot of symptoms and health changes going side by side. Juggling all of these changes and daily life together is quite a tough task, but you can go through it when you are well aware of your health choices and their outcomes.

During this storm of mental and physical changes, it can be tricky for you to recognise what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause.

To clear up all the fog, here are a few major symptoms and signs that will tell you that you have officially reached the end of the menopause transition. 

No periods

Keep an eye on your period calendar. When you ask your doctor: What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause? The first answer they will give you is that you have been missing your periods for 12 months. This is when you know that your transition is complete. The declining oestrogen levels first disturbed your menstrual cycle and then ceased it completely. 

Hot flashes & night sweats are reduced

We know that you were having a tough time because of sudden hot flashes during the day and night (night sweats). All of this was happening because of fluctuations in oestrogen levels. But at the end of menopause, when its level stabilises, you may feel a decrease in frequency as well as the severity of these unpleasant episodes. 

Better sleep

Hot flashes during the night, leaving you drenched in sweat, were disturbing your sleep, and you were irritated all the time. When hot flashes and night sweats diminish, you are more likely to sleep better and without any disturbance. You may start getting a good night’s sleep when your menopause ends.

Decreased UTI incidence

The bacterial balance in your vagina is disturbed when your oestrogen level is decreasing during perimenopause and menopause. This bacterial imbalance makes you more likely to have urinary tract infections that happen again and again. But when all these levels stabilise, you might notice a decrease in the number of urinary tract infections. 

Better mood

Coping with various internal and external changes during the menopause transition can stress you out. Another question stressing you out during this time is: What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause? 

This tension, along with hormonal fluctuations, influences your mood. You were feeling irritated and anxious, but once your menopause ends, all these symptoms subside, and you may feel a little more relaxed. 

Healthy vagina

Vaginal dryness, itching, burning, and painful sex are very common and major symptoms before your menopause ends. But when it ends and the hormones stabilise at their lower levels, all the itching and dryness reduce. It may not go away completely, but you will feel that your vagina is in better health than before. You may also feel comfortable during sex. 

Reduce breast tenderness

The pain and discomfort that you were experiencing while touching your breasts reduce in intensity when you hit the postmenopausal phase. The reduction in pain intensity is the result of stabilised hormones. It also increases an overall sense of well-being. 

Physical comfort

The disturbed oestrogen and progesterone levels cause joint and muscle pain, ultimately reducing the quality of your life. But when you reach postmenopause, this pain subsides. You feel a decrease in your joint pain menopause

Stable weight

A declining oestrogen level makes your body’s metabolism slow, and your calories are not burned properly. This phenomenon makes you gain weight. Once your oestrogen stabilises, your metabolism may return to normal, and you will not gain weight, which means your weight just stays at a certain point. 

Another answer to the query, ‘What are the signs of coming to the end of menopause?’ Is that your weight stabilising? 

Improved memory

The menopause transition is thought to be associated with brain fog and weak memory, affecting your cognitive and mental functions. Memory lapses during perimenopause and menopause affect your daily activities. End to menopause tends to improve these memory lapses as there are no hormonal ups and downs. 

Improved hair growth

Menopause hair loss may be associated with hormonal fluctuations, particularly the decrease in oestrogen levels. This hormonal shift can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to changes in hair thickness and density. When you reach postmenopause, your hair quality may get better. 

Also Read: The menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight

Tips to manage end of menopause

Now that you have explored what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause, it’s time to learn about their management. 

Going through the menopause transition is not an easy process, but you should be proud of yourself for not giving up on this journey. When the unpleasant storm of symptoms passes, it does not mean that there are no health concerns left to manage. You should take enough care of yourself after the end of menopause 

Here are some tips to manage your postmenopause health:

  1. Stay active and perform physical activities to keep your bone and muscle health replenished. 
  2. Focus on eating nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This will not only maintain your gut health but also help maintain weight. 
  3. Try to get a good night’s sleep. Build a schedule and remove any distractions before bedtime to promote a healthy sleep cycle. 
  4. Try managing your stress if mood swings and anxiety are still bothering you. Incorporate breathing exercises and meditation to get relaxed. 
  5. If there is vaginal discomfort and dryness, you can use over-the-counter available vaginal lubricants and creams. The key is to discuss this with your doctor first. 
  6. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for calcium and vitamin D intake. It helps maintain your bone health and reduces the risk of fracture. You can also perform resistance or weight-bearing exercises for healthy bones.
  7. Consider hormone replacement therapy if the hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal discomfort are still severe. Talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of getting HRT. 
  8. Stay up-to-date with routine medical exams and screenings to monitor your overall health and address any concerns or symptoms that may arise.


Going through menopause can be tough, especially with lots of changes in your physical and mental health. This transition takes place in three different phases, and all of them affect you differently. In the beginning, hormone levels decline, but when they come to an end, these levels stabilise at their lowest. But what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause?

Some of the signs include when your periods stop completely, episodes of hot flashes reduce, your vagina gets comfortable, and you feel less joint and muscle pain. All of this happens when your hormones stop fluctuating. 

It is important to take care of your health post-menopause. Take care of your diet and regular checkups; perform some physical activity; and get better sleep. It is your journey of transition, and you have to stay informed and take good care of yourself for better outcomes. 

Share what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause with your friends going through the same time. Empower them, too!


How do I know that my menopause is over?

Know that your menopause is over when the episodes of hot flashes and night sweats diminish and vaginal discomfort decreases. To learn what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause, you can read the blog above. 

Does menopause ever end?

Yes, it does! This transition takes place in three stages: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Perimenopause starts in your 40s, and by the time your periods stop, you may be in your late 40s. Menopause ends when you have missed 12 periods consecutively. Want to learn what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause? Read the blog above.

Will I feel better after menopause?

Yes, you will. After menopause comes to an end, your hormonal levels stabilise, and all 34 symptoms of menopause may subside or reduce. Keep in mind that you may not feel as healthy as before menopause, but you will feel better during perimenopause

Further Readings:

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