Verrucae and Wart Removal
A wart is a skin growth caused by a common viral infection, human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts typically have a ‘cauliflower’ appearance and feel rough to touch. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the hands and feet.
A verruca is a type of wart and most commonly occur on the feet.
Verrucae and warts are not usually painful unless they are on a part of the body that is being pressed, e.g if on the foot, walking can make them uncomfortable.
If you would like a verucca or wart removed, book a consultation today.
How do we treat skin tags, verrucae & warts?
Following a consultation with either Dr Qureshi or our plastic surgeon, Mr Sharif Al-ghazal, you will be offered one of the following options to treat your lesion :
- Cryotherapy
- Minor surgery