
Verrucae & Wart Treatment Bradford

Verrucae and Wart Removal

A wart is a skin growth caused by a common viral infection, human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts typically have a ‘cauliflower’ appearance and feel rough to touch. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the hands and feet.

A verruca is a type of wart and most commonly occur on the feet.

Verrucae and warts are not usually painful unless they are on a part of the body that is being pressed, e.g if on the foot, walking can make them uncomfortable.

If you would like a verucca or wart removed, book a consultation today.

How do we treat skin tags, verrucae & warts?

Following a consultation with either Dr Qureshi or our plastic surgeon, Mr Sharif Al-ghazal, you will be offered one of the following options to treat your lesion :

  • Cryotherapy
  • Minor surgery

Have You Had Enough With Skin Tags, Warts Or Verrucas

Our friendly professional team can help

Aesthetics Awards 2023
Care Quality Commission
General Medical Council
Ace Group
Hamilton Fraser
Cosmetic Redress Scheme
Royal College of Surgeons
General Pharmaceutical Council