
The Menopause Diet 5 day Plan to Lose Weight

The Menopause Diet 5 day Plan to Lose Weight: Nutritious and Easy to Follow

Written and Reviewed by Dr. Uzma Qureshi
Published on: 19/04/2024
The Menopause Diet 5 day Plan to Lose Weight
Source: Pexels

Menopause is the time of life when not only hormones are fluctuating, but your weight also increases. To stay in shape and ditch being overweight, you need the menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight.

During menopause, the changes in metabolism tend to store fat, and muscle mass decreases. In this blog, you will learn about weight gain during menopause along with a nutritious and easy-to-follow diet during menopause. Explore the link and shed your extra pounds. 

However, always remember that everyone’s health and diet are different. So before you start 5 day menopause diet plan to lose weight, it is best to talk to your doctor first and get a green light.

Menopause and Weight Gain

According to the British Menopause Society, during the perimenopause years, a woman gains 1.5 kg of weight per year. By the time menopause ends, you may have gained 10 kg. 

Perimenopause is often called the “perfect storm” because hormonal shifts, changes in metabolism, and alterations in lifestyle all play together in gaining weight.

The decline in oestrogen levels is the culprit here. This decrease causes a reduction in muscle mass, which means your body needs fewer calories to work. When you consume calories, the fat lies around your organs, or more specifically, your abdominal area. Females with a slow metabolism find it difficult to burn those calories. Visceral fat increases from 5 –8% to 10–15% of your total body weight due to hormonal declines. 

Moreover, when your lifestyle is sedentary, there is a risk of gaining even more weight. The quality and quantity of food and physical activity must be precise if you want to maintain your body weight and shape. For this reason, the menopause diet 5-day plan to lose weight is going to be very helpful for you.

Health Issues During Menopause

You know perimenopause brings a storm into your life, and you start gaining weight. Every woman experiences weight gain and fat distribution differently. The key is to maintain your weight. If it goes unmanaged, the risk of following health issues increases. 

  1. Heart diseases
  2. Menopause and Joint Pain
  3. Type 2 diabetes
  4. Breathing issues, especially while sleeping
  5. Decreased self-esteem and body image issues.
  6. Difficulty managing other menopause symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and night sweats

Benefits of Maintaining Weight During Menopause

When you manage your perimenopause and menopause weight gain well, it saves you from a lot of pesky health risks. Here are some of the benefits of maintaining your weight during menopause:

  1. Reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and common chronic conditions after menopause.
  2. Managing your weight through physical activity keeps your bones healthy, and reduces the risk of fractures in older age. 
  3. Losing weight, especially if you’re overweight, might help reduce menopause signs because being too heavy can make symptoms worse.
  4. A healthy weight decreases the risk of cancer and dementia. 

Here is The Menopause Diet 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight:

If you are in your menopause transition and have started gaining weight, it is your sign to start managing it. The menopause diet 5-day plan to lose weight is going to be really helpful for you.

Moreover, this diet plan for weight loss during menopause focuses on eating natural and hormone-balancing foods that are nutritious and calm down your cravings as well.

Day 1:

The menopause diet plan to lose weight focuses on a fresh and healthy start. The food choices should be those that provide you with energy throughout the day. Here is the day 1 meal plan for you:

  • Breakfast: Ground flax seeds and berries on a bowl of greek yoghurt.
  • Mid-day snack: Mixed nuts 
  • Lunch: Delicious grilled chicken and green veggie salad. You can add avocado and nuts as well.
  • Afternoon snack: Cucumber and carrot slices with hummus.
  • Dinner:  Roasted vegetables with baked salmon.

Day 2:

With such a fresh start, you can now incorporate more veggies and fruits into your routine and show some love to your gut. Your day 2 diet plan is:

  • Breakfast: A bowl of oatmeal with almond butter garnished with some apple slices.
  • Mid-day snack: Greek yoghurt with any of your favourite seasonal fruits.
  • Lunch: Mixed veggie salad with a bowl of red lentil soup 
  • Afternoon snack: Whole grain crackers with an avocado.
  • Dinner: Brown rice with sautéed vegetables. You may add tofu as well. 

Day 3:

When you are officially on day three of the menopause diet 5 day plan, you can add food options that can help balance your hormones. 

To save you from hormonal fluctuations, here is your day 3 plan.

  • Breakfast: Greek yoghurt/chia seed pudding with sliced kiwi (you can sprinkle cinnamon powder for enhanced taste).
  • Mid-day snack: A handful of mixed nuts. You may replace nuts with grapes or an apple.
  • Lunch: Mixed vegetables and chickpea salad.
  • Afternoon snack: A sliced apple with some almond butter. 
  • Dinner: Stir-fry tofu with roasted vegetables.

Day 4:

The diet during menopause to lose weight shouldn’t be boring or make you feel like you are missing out on tasty stuff. This 4-day fancy meal plan will satisfy your craving while keeping you in a calorie deficit.

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with spinach.
  • Mid-day snack: A small cube of dark chocolate that is 70% cocoa.
  • Lunch: A bowl of fresh and colourful vegetables and whole-grain pasta.
  • Afternoon snack: Sliced cucumber or any seasonal fruit. 
  • Dinner: A chicken lettuce wrap.

Day 5:

Here comes the last day of your weight loss diet during menopause. It means you have been eating nutritious and clean food for four days, and your body is loving it. You are cleansing your gut and controlling your cravings. 

The day 5 plan is here:

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and a mushroom omelette
  • Mid-day snack: Roasted nuts 
  • Lunch: A glass of raspberry and coconut milk smoothie.
  • Afternoon snack: Crackers (whole grain) with hummus or an avocado.
  • Dinner: Fried broccoli and zucchini pasta (whole grain).

Following the menopause diet plan will help you shed some extra pounds that you’ve been carrying on your transition journey. The key is to stay informed about the food choices you are making and always start the diet plan when your doctor allows you to. 

Factors Supporting Weight Loss During Menopause

Fixing your diet and eating healthy fruits are not the only things that will burn your fat. Certain factors influence the menopause diet. 

 The factors supporting your weight loss during menopause are: 

Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise during Menopause
Image By Pexels

Exercise can boost the outcomes of your menopause diet. Lifting some weights and going for a brisk walk daily will help you retain muscle but burn fat. You know your metabolism is already slow during menopause. Here comes exercise, which boosts your metabolism and helps your body burn fat faster.

Food Choices:

It is not always about calorie control; the foods that you are incorporating into the menopause diet also matter. To lose weight, you should choose food options that are high in fibre and nutritious. Choose healthy fats like nuts, avocado, and olive oil. You can always experiment with recipes and make healthy food choices according to your taste.


Menopause Diet Plan
Image By Pexels

Sleep plays a key role in maintaining and losing weight. You should be having a good night and proper sleep when you are on the menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight. Sleep disturbances create an imbalance in your hormones that ultimately cause cravings and stress. 


Diet During Menopause

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day if you are aiming to lose weight. Staying hydrated enough will not only replenish your body, but it will also control your unwanted calorie consumption. 

Stress Management:

Stress makes you eat more; it is also known as stress eating. Try different strategies, such as breathing exercises, meditation, and hypnosis, to manage your stress and stay away from gaining weight. All of these strategies will enhance the results of the menopause diet for weight loss.

Let’s Sum Up about Diet During Menopause

Dealing with weight gain during menopause requires a mix of lifestyle changes, like eating better, moving more, and taking care of yourself. The menopause diet plan shared above is a good way to kickstart your health journey. It is recommended to eat foods with lots of fibre, drink enough water, and exercise regularly. These things can help you not only lose weight but also lower the chance of getting heart problems or diabetes and manage other menopause symptoms.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, so it’s important to talk to a doctor before starting the menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight. Additionally, getting enough sleep and finding ways to manage stress are also really important to staying healthy. Manage your weight and enjoy a healthy menopause transition. 

FAQ’s about Menopause Diet

1. How does the menopause diet 5-day plan to lose weight help?

This menopause diet encourages you to eat foods that contain high fibre, healthy fats and lots of protein. When taken in a controlled portion, all of these foods keep you in a calorie deficit state, which helps weight loss. It is recommended to stay physically active to boost your metabolism. 

2. What is the best menopause diet for weight loss?

Any diet that contains more fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and protein is considered best for menopause. Keep in mind that weight loss is not solely dependent on the diet. Factors like a good sleeping schedule, exercise, and stress management improve the outcome of your weight loss journey. 

3. What’s the best diet for losing belly fat during menopause?

If you are worried about how to get rid of menopause belly fat, you should focus on eating lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Plant-based foods are usually the healthiest. Good options include beans, nuts, soy, fish, and low-fat dairy products. Try to eat meat in small amounts, or you can follow the menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight faster.

How can a menopausal woman lose weight fast?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to all menopausal women losing weight fast. But you may first talk to your doctor, work out, manage stress, and follow the menopause diet 5-day plan to lose weight consistently for better results.

What are the best diets for menopause weight lose?

Generally, it is recommended to incorporate a fruit and vegetable-based diet to lose weight. Add whole grains and fruits rich in healthy fats. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet has shown promising results for menopausal weight loss.

What burns menopause fat?

Exercise, including both aerobic and resistance training, may help you burn menopausal fat. Additionally, follow the 5-day menopause diet plan to burn fat, manage stress, get proper sleep and avoid processed foods. 

Does fasting help menopause weight?

Intermittent fasting aids in losing menopause weight, as it keeps in calorie deficit. But before starting fasting for menopause weight loss, talk to your doctor or consult a nutritionist for better understanding. 

Further Readings:

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