
Menopause Fatigue

Menopause Fatigue: How to Fight Exhaustion with Diet and Vitamins!

Written and Reviewed by Dr. Uzma Qureshi
Published on: 09/06/2024
Menopause Fatigue

During menopause, do you feel a lack of energy without doing anything? Or perhaps you find yourself nodding off at your desk and trying to stay awake even though you had a full night’s sleep. In these situations, you might wonder, “What does menopause fatigue feel like?”

You may wake up hoping to get a lot of home chores done, but you may end up lying on the couch due to extreme menopause fatigue Do not worry, because in this blog, you will explore: What does menopause fatigue feel like? Its causes and how you can manage it. Take control of your transition and feel empowered. 

Is menopause fatigue normal?

Yes, fatigue is entirely normal due to hormonal changes occurring throughout this transition. Due to oestrogen deficiency, all your bodily functions, like the sleep-wake cycle, energy regulation and metabolism, are affected. Additionally, menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings and night sweats disturb your sleep and make you tired for the next day. 

Your body is going through a rollercoaster of changes; give it time and support for a smoother transition. To understand menopause fatigue, you should know its potential causes. Stay informed to improve your health outcomes. 

What Causes Menopause Fatigue?

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when changes occur not only in her body but also in her mental health. Juggling the menopause and lack of energy can drain you emotionally and physically.

Moreover, the decrease in oestrogen gives rise to levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It creates a vicious cycle where hormonal fluctuations lead to disruptions, preventing you from resting, and you feel a lack of energy.

The following factors can trigger stress and cause fatigue:

Hot flashes and night sweats

Hot flashes disrupt your tasks and sleep, leaving you drenched in sweat, thus reducing your sleep quality. Follow natural remedies for Hot flashes for a smooth transition.

Breathing problems

Increased cortisol and less sex hormones sometimes trigger sleep apnea—a condition when breathing stops repeatedly during sleep. It may cause oxygen deprivation and wake you up several times. 

Anxiety & depression

Anxiety due to Menopause

Hot flashes, joint pain, weight gain and missing out on certain activities cause stress, depression and anxiety. Anxious episodes can lead to insomnia and poor sleep quality. Furthermore, a tired mind translates to a tired body, which causes fatigue. 

Physical changes

Less oestrogen reduces your muscle mass and stores fat in your body. These changes may make you less active as well as fatigued. Changes in your muscles and bone health and an increase in fat storage can trigger your menopause and lack of energy. 

Poor nutrition

Poor diet- Woman eating pizza

When you do not have a good diet, your body is missing out on the energy it needs to work properly. For example, if you are not getting enough iron, you will feel tired and weak. Also, consuming too much fast and processed food increases cortisol levels, ultimately increasing stress. 

Sedentary routine

When you are in menopause and not moving enough, your energy levels will drop automatically. No physical activity makes your muscles weaker, making everyday tasks feel more tiring and contributing to your fatigue during menopause. 

What Does Menopause Fatigue Feel Like?

Each woman’s menopause journey is unique, and similarly, associated fatigue appears differently in everyone. You can never feel the same things as your sister, who is also in her menopause transition. 

As your mind and body react to changes in menopause, both get tired. You may feel drained physically as well as emotionally. For some women, fatigue means they are unable to perform their daily chores, but for others, it may not feel okay to attend a social gathering. 

Menopause Fatigue symptoms

It’s like your body, mind, and emotions are all worn out and struggling to keep up with daily life. Due to menopause and lack of energy, you may feel:

  • Tired and drowsy all day. 
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning.
  • Crave salty foods.
  • Weaker grip strength.
  • Leave tasks incomplete.
  • Difficulty focusing or remembering things. 
  • Better energy in the evening.
  • Demotivated
  • Emotionally overwhelmed or strained

How to Treat Menopause Fatigue Naturally?

Considering you have learned about what fatigue feels like, let’s now explore what remedies are available to help you feel better and less fatigued. Also, explore menopause natural remedies for relief.

Following are some natural treatments that can help you with fatigue: 

Get proper sleep

Get Proper Sleep.

To reduce menopause fatigue, fixing your sleep-wake cycle and getting proper sleep will help a lot. Establish a bedtime routine and signal your body towards rest by doing some meditation, deep breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques. Remove all distractions. 

Engage in daily exercise

Regular exercise and physical activity improve your overall health. Physical activities release endorphins, which are your mood-booster hormones. Secondly, exercise is like a natural stress-killer activity. Try going for a 30-minute walk or swim to help with your menopause and extreme fatigue.

Prefer Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact exercise focused on improving the stability, balance, and strength of your core muscles. Research on postmenopausal Spanish women found that Pilates exercises improve sleep patterns, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and increase energy levels. 

Lose weight

Diet to reduce Menopause Fatigue

Calculate your BMI, and if you’re overweight, menopause fatigue is a sign that you should lose weight now. An increased weight means your body is under increased stress. Tummy fat is another sign that your cortisol is high. Try the menopause diet 5-day plan to lose weight and get yourself nourished and away from fatigue. 

Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic approach that involves the use of plant-based essential oils to promote our physical, emotional and mental well-being. It releases stress, decreases pain and improves your mood. You can use the inhalation method or apply the oils topically to do it. A 2021 study suggests that using lavender aromatherapy decreases menopause symptoms. 
You can always use any of these remedies in your daily life to help you feel better and take control of your day by bidding farewell to fatigue. 

What are the Best Vitamins For Menopause Fatigue?

Best Vitamins For Menopause Fatigue

To help with menopause and extreme fatigue during this time, you may consider adding the following vitamins to your daily routine:

  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Ginseng

What is the Best Diet for Menopause Fatigue?

An adequate diet to help manage extreme fatigue during menopause includes:

  • Plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains like quinoa and oats
  • Proteins like beans, fish and turkey
  • Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, Chia and flax seeds
  • Plenty of water
  • Avoiding processed, junk foods, and carbonated and alcoholic drinks.


  • Hot flashes, night sweats, poor nutrition, disturbed sleep and breathing problems cause Meno fatigue.
  • Menopause fatigue may feel like:
  1. Difficulty waking up
  2. Drowsiness whole day
  3. Demotivation
  4. Weaker grip
  5. Loss of concentration
  6. Craving sugar
  7. Emotional exhaustion
  • Ensure proper sleep, regular exercise, Pilates, weight loss, aromatherapy, and avoid stress-inducing foods and drinks like caffeine and sugar.
  • The best vitamins for menopause extreme fatigue are vitamins B, C, D, E, Magnesium and ginseng.
  • An adequate diet for menopause fatigue includes fruits, veggies, quinoa, oats, chia & flax seeds, and avocado and avoiding processed foods.
  • Talk to your doctor if you experience extreme fatigue during menopause that interferes with your sleep, mood and daily routine.

FAQs About the Menopause Fatigue:

What does meno fatigue feel like at the start? 

At first, it feels continuous, making it hard to wake up and feel rested despite enough sleep. Simple tasks become harder, and motivation wanes, causing both physical and mental exhaustion.

How long does menopause fatigue last?

Fatigue due to menopause varies in duration from person to person. For some, it might persist even after menopause has passed. If one fails to address and manage the symptoms, fatigue may persist for several years. 

How can I stop menopause fatigue?

Prioritise quality sleep, engage in regular exercise like Pilates, and manage your stress through aromatherapy. Pay attention to your diet, avoiding processed food and caffinated or alcoholic beverages.

When should I see a doctor for menopause fatigue? 

Consult a doctor for advice and to rule out other conditions if menopause fatigue interferes with daily activities or is associated with severe mood swings or sleep issues.

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